"The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco." - Mark Twain |
SAD as in
"Seasonal affective disorder".
I know I'm feeling the winter blues and its not even officially winter yet... or is it?
Maybe I'm a bit paranoid and overly dramatic because I tend to scare myself by visiting
WebMD a little too often; all of a sudden it seems that I have acquired all of the symptoms the very moment I'm reading about them. -__-
If you can't tell, I am using SAD as an excuse for not blogging these couple of days? weeks? month? O_o
I just felt the need to explain, especially when I get such sweet reminders from
Rabitto to blog more often. :P Thanks
Rabbito! :3 You're such a cutie.
The weather's been getting colder and I haven't been feeling like doing a lot of things. I was feeling all blah and I didn't want to post anything on my blog that was negative but here I am writing this... haha... I guess I'm feeling a little bold; ready to open up and get more personal! :P
A lot of your comments and messages really reminded me why I like to blog so much. I like the feeling of being connected with you guys. Thank you for always dropping by to say hi and asking me how I'm doing. Thanks for all of your nice and encouraging comments. Thank you for noticing that I haven't been writing any posts lately and thanks for bugging me to write more often! :)