I consider myself pretty superstitious.

Its silly? :p
I don't mind.
I'll still believe in it.
It gives me good memories of my grandmother and all of her colorful stories she used to tell me. She would teach me and my sister through stories and not just by telling us what to do/not-do or what is wrong/right. I loved how she lets us think for ourselves and choose which path we wanted to take whether it be bad or good.
Where am I going with this?
Well, I have a wish that I really want.
And I've done this before a few years back, no lie.
I'm folding 1000 cranes.
Japanese legend has it that your wish will come true if you go through the labor of folding 1000 cranes.
Do you want to know if my wish came true the first time I had folded 1000 cranes?
Maybe it was coincidence?
It doesn't matter.
My wish still came true.
Plus, wouldn't life sound more fun when a little bit of "magic" exists?
I've even tried testing this whole theory out, just in case.
I started out by making an outrageous wish that I know will never come true and tried folding another 1000 cranes for that wish.
Guess what happened. I never finished folding all 1000 of them. O_o
And don't think I didn't try. It just so happened that certain things in life kept on happening to me which caused that batch to have never been fully completed.

In the end, I just like the idea of how I can feel like there is a slight chance that I am able to control the outcome of my life sometimes.
I've folded 612 little cranes so far. :p Only 388 more to go.
Do you have a wish?
Even if you don't believe in this but you still want to learn how to fold these little cranes, you can find some instructions: (here, here, and here)
(If you want to make ones as small as mine, I cut out my square paper to a size that measures a little less than 2cm on each side)

Its silly? :p
I don't mind.
I'll still believe in it.
It gives me good memories of my grandmother and all of her colorful stories she used to tell me. She would teach me and my sister through stories and not just by telling us what to do/not-do or what is wrong/right. I loved how she lets us think for ourselves and choose which path we wanted to take whether it be bad or good.
Where am I going with this?
Well, I have a wish that I really want.
And I've done this before a few years back, no lie.
I'm folding 1000 cranes.
Japanese legend has it that your wish will come true if you go through the labor of folding 1000 cranes.
Do you want to know if my wish came true the first time I had folded 1000 cranes?
Maybe it was coincidence?
It doesn't matter.
My wish still came true.
Plus, wouldn't life sound more fun when a little bit of "magic" exists?
I've even tried testing this whole theory out, just in case.
I started out by making an outrageous wish that I know will never come true and tried folding another 1000 cranes for that wish.
Guess what happened. I never finished folding all 1000 of them. O_o
And don't think I didn't try. It just so happened that certain things in life kept on happening to me which caused that batch to have never been fully completed.

In the end, I just like the idea of how I can feel like there is a slight chance that I am able to control the outcome of my life sometimes.
I've folded 612 little cranes so far. :p Only 388 more to go.
Do you have a wish?
Even if you don't believe in this but you still want to learn how to fold these little cranes, you can find some instructions: (here, here, and here)
(If you want to make ones as small as mine, I cut out my square paper to a size that measures a little less than 2cm on each side)