Just wanted to share my new nail design :)
I was looking at
NaiLz-iN-AuS's nail art and loved her "watermelon" nail design so so much, I had to try it myself!!! It looked so cute on her nail!

But I think that watermelon nails are so much cuter! Thanks so much
NaiLz-iN-AuS for the inspiration!
Here are some pics of how it turned out...

I painted all of my nails with the pink nail polish first. Added light green nail polish to only the tips of the nails.
NaiLz-iN-AuS used white but I just wanted to try light green and see how it turns out :P Then, I added another darker green nail polish to the very tips leaving only a little bit of the light green to show.
I used my Sally Hansen Nail Art Pen again to draw the "watermelon seeds" and decorated it with white so it can stand out a little more...

I loved the design so much I even painted my toes to look like watermelon slices!!! :P

What do you think? :)
That's so kawaii. ^^
You are so good doing your own nails and design. How long did it take? I would probably take hours...and still wouldn't get it as great as you. Just fabulous! =)
OMG OMG OMG KAYYYYYYYYYYY ITS G0RJUZZZZZZZZ i loveeeee your designnn it looks soooooo cuteeeeee! i love the toes and yeah it looks amazing =) mwaaaah
Omg, you did an amazing job!! These are too adorable!!!
wow those are cute toenails!! And they match your nails that is super cute!! You're so talented, I just paint my nails 1 solid color and even then I can't stay between the lines haha! Oooh you dyed your hair darker I want to see some pics :)
very cute summer design :) I don't do much to my toes other than a few coats of polish, lol my toenails are too tiny to really put designs on them
Hahahah!! This is so cute!! I LOVE IT!
hey kay h0w are y0u? About the swap I was wanting to see if i could find someone who likes things from australia or has any request and i do the same with them than we send to each other.
Hi Kay! I found you through Nailz-In-Aus! You are seriously good at nail-art LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the nails! They look beautiful! How do you have the patience? May I follow you?
aww your nails are so kawaii!! so creative ! nice job ^__^
That is ADORABLE! I might do that on my tootsies too :)
wow really cute!!! Im so behind with nail art... im getting lazy with it haha. my toes are gross! I need a pedi for the summer!
wow.. how -to-do?
thats too cute. =]
OMG! That is super cute. I am planning to try the strawberry design but after seeing this I think I am going to try this first. So artistic. :-)
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